Better sleep? Simplify and repeat

Better sleep? Simplify and repeat

The word is out. What we already knew and have adopted heavily: if you want to form a new habit, you need to simplify it and make it easy repeatable. That sounds like common sense, but its far from that in reality. Like complicated diets with cooking, that nobody can...
How cause and solution dont agree

How cause and solution dont agree

Isn’t it a kind of stupid that somenone says that the main cause of insomnia is a stress, and that in the next paragraph the story continues about sleep apnea, instead of addressing the problem? It show very clear that all experts are in a wrong direction. Sleep...
Know your biomarkers

Know your biomarkers

Health has three main groups: nutrition, exercise and sleep. There are units of measurement for both nutrition and exercise and how you can stay within the optimum. For your weight that is the BMI and minimizing fat intake and for exercise that is, for example, a...
Sleep is personal and not linear

Sleep is personal and not linear

Maybe the only problem with health in general is the business around it. Experts who use ‘expertise’ to sell and the end of their talk. Nothing is more true in the field of sleep. I have tried, researched and measured everything regarding sleep; and there...
The Zero Zone

The Zero Zone

The main reason why you loose a lot of sleep quality is because you sabotage yourself with the believe that you can’t stop thinking and can’t control it. It’s most of the time not even a conscious proces. Its an automatism caused by not knowing...